Mixed-Use Development and Park Hyatt Project in Tbilisi – Tbilisi, Georgia
Szolgáltatási kör: Értékbecslés és akvizíciós átvilágítás
Helyszín: Tbilisi, Georgia
Termék: Értékbecslés és akvizíciós átvilágítás
Market and Financial Feasibility Study and Land Valuation for a proposed landmark mixed-use complex in central Tbilisi
Horwath HTL Solution: Our client aimed to develop a multifunctional mixed-use complex including the proposed Park Hyatt Hotel, an extensive Conference Centre, Spa/Fitness Centre and Class-A Offices. To this end Horwath HTL Russia & Hungary have been commissioned to prepare market and financial feasibility study and business valuation for the key components of the project including the upscale hotel and conference centre, spa centre and office components.